About me
My name is Konrad Nowakowski, a Frontend Developer based in Glasgow, Scotland. Main interest in programming languages are JavaScript and TypeScript. Have had experience in working with both frameworks Angular and Vue, also with utilizing redux-alike store solutions (NgRx, Vuex).
Having 4 years of documented commercial experience in app architecture designing and implementing mid-sized projects. If you're interested in my work jump to my portfolio »
Apart from the commercial work - an off-duty game designer and guitar player. If you want to give me a holler you're welcome to contact me through the contact form or email me directly »
Tech stack

My second project name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Ipsum animi qui ipsa perspiciatis in voluptates voluptate
This is detailed description of the project B
My first project name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Ipsum animi qui ipsa perspiciatis in voluptates voluptate nesciunt voluptatum inventore eveniet officia maxime dignissimos.
This is detailed description of the project A

You can contact me by emailing me directly or using the contact form. Either way I will be happy to hear from you.